Prime Minister Chairs Review Meeting On Performance Of Electricity Distribution Companies
- by Newsdesk
- December 28, 2024

Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif chaired a review meeting regarding the performance of Electricity Distribution Companies
Issues regarding the Lahore Electric Supply Company, Peshawar Electric Supply Company and Faisalabad Electric Supply company were discussed during the Meeting.
Prime Minsiter said, the installation of smart meters should be completed as soon as possible to bring transparency in the Billing System.
He said, Overbilling is Unacceptable and Strict Action will be taken against officers involved in the practice.
Prime Minister issued directives to take concrete steps against electricity theft.
Prime Minister also expressed concern over the delay in the process of Chief Executive Officers appointment of Electricity Distribution Companies and directed to complete to hasten the process in a Transparent Manner. He further said that recruitment in the Electric Companies should be done on Merit.
Prime Minsiter directed that all resources should be utilized to achieve the target given by Nepra.
Prime Minsiter was given a detailed briefing on the performance of Lesco, Pesco And Fesco during the meeting.
The meeting was also attended by Federal Minister For Economic affairs Ahad Khan Cheema, Federal Minister for power division sardar owais ahmed Khan leghari, Federal Minister For Information technology and Telecom Shaza Fatima, federal Minister for Finance And Revenue Ali Pervez Malik, Prime Minister's Coordinator Rana Ehsan Afzal Another Senior Government Officials.