
Happy New Year : Celebrations Around The Globe As Millions Welcome 2025

The world’s eight billion people ushered in 2025 with New Year celebrations, bidding farewell to a tumultuous year filled with wars and chaos.

The New Year in New Zealand began with a spectacular fireworks display at Auckland’s sky tower. After a 10-second countdown at the 328-meter-high sky tower, the sky was illuminated with colors and lights, while a large crowd of citizens gathered to welcome the new year.

In Australia, the arrival of the new year painted the horizon with vibrant colors, with a magnificent fireworks display at Sydney's Harbour bridge.

In the capital of France, Paris, the Eiffel tower was beautifully illuminated to celebrate the arrival of the new year in grand style.

In the United Kingdom, the London eye was lit up with dazzling fireworks to ring in the new year.

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