
PTV Drama and Film Academy is conducting “In house” training courses for PTV professionals in the disciplines of Production, Engineering, Computer and IT. Basic courses for new entrants in the field of Production, Engineering, Computer and IT are arranged by the academy regularly as per demand of the time and management. The primary objective is affording the participants an opportunity for sharing their ideas, experiences and insights with each other leading to the development of a feeling of fraternity and spirit of mutual cooperation.

Strong emphasis is given on broadening the knowledge base of participants regarding the principals and processes of quality Television production and the techniques and usage of modern media technologies. In fact, academy is achieving educational and development goals of PTV.

About Us

Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) is the Pakistan state-owned Television broadcaster, founded on 26 November 1964. This National Broadcaster has flourished since then, and today has PTV-Centers in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad, AJK and Multan.