Code Of Conduct


The Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy sets out the ethical principles and professional standards of conduct for PTV Board of Directors, Senior Management and all employees. The Code of Conduct shall articulate acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. The PTV Board shall ensure that appropriate steps are taken to communicate throughout the Company, the Code of Conduct it sets, together with supporting policies and procedures, expected to adopted in the course of employment and in performance of the duties.


This policy applies to Board of Directors, Senior Management and all employees.

PTV is committed to maintaining a Code of Conduct and Ethics that outlines the standards of behavior expected of Board of Directors, Senior Management and all employees and ethical standards expected of them to promote sound professional behavior in order to safeguard the welfare of stakeholders and the integrity of PTV. The organizational values, moral imperatives and ethical principles will form the basis for the development of this code. Failure to adhere to the Code of Conduct and Ethics can result in disciplinary action against the individual involved.

Policy Statements


The Managing Director in consultation with the Board of Directors will issue and maintain a Code of Conduct and Ethics that will apply to the Board of Directors, Senior Management and all employees. The Board of Directors shall ensure that appropriate steps are taken to communicate throughout the Company the Code of Conduct it sets together with supporting policies and procedures, including posting the same on the company’s website.

Performance Standards

  • PTV Board, Senior Management and all employees have access to the Code of Conduct and fully understands and complies with the Code of Conduct and Ethics.
  • Alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct and Ethics are reported to the immediate supervisor.
Consultation Process And Implementation Responsibility

The Board of Directors, Managing Director/CEO, Management and staff.

Our Values

PTV’s values are centered around teamwork and professional ethics the core belief that everyone can help each other grow in an ethical work environment. Our actions and decisions are guided by our core belief and values:
  • Everyone can help each other grow
  • Having empathy with others and a passion to enable them
  • Being resourceful and creative in finding practical solutions
  • Showing thoughtful concern for the rights and interests of others
  • Being committed and having enthusiastic drive

Code Of Conduct

1. Expectations It is expected that you will:-
  1. 1.1 Treat PTV’s stakeholders, partners, co-workers and people from other organizations with respect and dignity;
  2. 1.2 Be fair, reasonable, equitable and responsive in your dealings with others;
  3. 1.3 Perform your duties with professionalism and integrity;
  4. 1.4 Be conscientious in the performance of your duties and exercise honesty, integrity and sensitivity in your work;
  5. 1.5 Be alert to areas in which services could be improved or in which difficulties are experienced;
  6. 1.6 Strive to continually improve your work for provision of services to general public;
  7. 1.7 Provide an environment that is free from harassment or discrimination on the grounds of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, age, impairment, religious or political conviction.

2. Conduct Towards Outsiders It is expected that you will:-

  1. 2.1 Immediately report any incident that appears to involve mistreatment of or cruelty;
  2. 2.2 Not engage in mistreatment of, cruelty or inappropriate behavior in any form;
  3. 2.3 Not harass or discriminate on the grounds of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, age, impairment, religious or political conviction;
  4. 2.4 Not strike or use physical force against anyone except trespasser when required;
  5. 2.5 Never swear, shout or be verbally abusive in any way;
  6. 2.6 Display a positive attitude towards your co-workers, and general people, respect right and opinion and encourage others in decisions which affect them;
  7. 2.7 Give others an opportunity to gain knowledge and learn new skills, ensure that stakeholders are informed of their rights and responsibilities and what they can do if they have a grievance with an individual or PTV;
  8. 2.8 Maintain confidentiality on matters of a personal nature that relate to others;
  9. 2.9 Not take advantage of anyone in financial or other matters.

3. Compliance with Policy and Lawful Directions It is expected that you will:-

  1. 3.1 Comply with PTV’s policies and procedures;
  2. 3.2 Obey any lawful direction given by your supervisor or any other person having the authority to give direction;
  3. 3.3 Adhere to legislative and contractual obligations placed on PTV.

4. Dress Standards It is expected that your dress and personal presentation will:

  1. 4.1 Enhance the community perception of PTV;
  2. 4.2 Be appropriate to the work setting, giving full effect to occupational health and safety requirements;
  3. 4.3 Enhance the professional and business standing of PTV.
  4. 4.4 Comply with PTV’s Dress Code Policy.

5. Use of medicine and Smoke It is expected that you will:

  1. 5.1 Attend the workplace free from the influence of illicit drugs and alcohol or anything that may affect your performance in the workplace;
  2. 5.2 Notify administration of any medication that you have been prescribed that may affect your performance.
  3. 5.3 Report concerns about working with other staff/others you perceive to be at safety risk due to drug/ alcohol use as soon as possible;
  4. 5.4 Recognize that PTV has a smoke-free policy and that smoking is limited to designated areas and recognized breaks.

6. Use of Official/ Inside Information It is expected that you will:

  1. 6.1 Not use Official/ Inside information gained about PTV’s operations or finances to improperly gain any kind of advantage for yourself or for another person or organization.
  2. 6.2 Not pass on information gained about PTV’s stakeholders or customers to other people or organizations without the necessary consents being obtained.

7. Contact with the other Media and Public It is expected that you will:

  1. 7.1 Not contact or discuss issues pertaining to PTV with other media without the appropriate authorization.
  2. 7.2 Not publish, print, circulate or otherwise be in possession of any pamphlet, poster or publications of any type of literature, or make any broadcast on Radio / TV etc. calculated to promote feelings of enmity or hatred between employees, classes of employees or different provinces, classes, sects, religious orders, or to comprise the integrity of the employee, the security of Pakistan or friendly relations with foreign states, or to offend the public order, decency or morality.
  3. 7.3 Not comment publicly on issues pertaining to PTV without authorization.

8. Use of PTV Property and Equipment It is expected that you will:

  1. 8.1 Use PTV’s property and equipment for its intended purpose;
  2. 8.2 Ensure that PTV’s property and equipment is properly cared for and maintained;
  3. 8.3 Not give away, lend, destroy, or otherwise dispose of PTV property unless the action is authorized, regardless of the age of the property or damage to the property.

9. Use of PTV Vehicles It is expected that you will:

  1. 9.1 Not drive the vehicles when under the influence of any drugs;
  2. 9.2 Only drive the vehicles when authorized by PTV and legally licensed to do so.
  3. 9.3 Use the vehicles for their authorized purpose.
  4. 9.4 Not allow unauthorized drivers to drive PTV vehicles.
  5. 9.5 Ensure that the vehicles are regularly and properly cleaned and maintained.
  6. 9.6 Do not smoke in the vehicles.
  7. 9.7 Drive the vehicles with care and safety at all times and in accordance with PTV policies and the road traffic code;
  8. 9.8 Promptly settle any fine incurred as a result of traffic and parking infringements occurring while you are a driver of a PTV vehicle;
  9. 9.9 Report all damage to the vehicle in your control and vehicle malfunctions to Admin Officer or Officer In charge as soon as practicable, no matter how small;
  10. 9.10 Report any driving convictions to Admin Officer at the time of the offence;
  11. 9.11 Comply with PTV’s Use of Vehicle Policy.

10. Rights You have a right to:

  1. 10.1 Work in an environment which, as far as is practical, is free from exposure to hazards;
  2. 10.2 Refuse to work where there is a risk of imminent and serious injury or harm;
  3. 10.3 Be given clear expectations of required performance;
  4. 10.4 Object to directions which are illegal, improper or against your particular religious’ beliefs;
  5. 10.5 Work in an environment that is free from harassment or discrimination on the grounds of gender, marital status, pregnancy, race, age, impairment and religious or political conviction;
  6. 10.6 Equal opportunity in employment and to have applications for positions treated on merit;
  7. 10.7 Raise grievances in an atmosphere which is not threatening and without fear of retribution in accordance with the HR Policy and Procedures;
  8. 10.8 Have all grievances and allegations made by or against you dealt with in a confidential and prompt manner;
  9. 10.9 Participate in public life including interest groups.
  10. 10.10 Be given adequate training and equipment to do the job;
  11. 10.11 Be treated with respect and dignity and receive clear and honest communication from supervisors and managers;
  12. 10.12 Have information about you kept confidential unless you give permission for it to be passed on;
  13. 10.13 Fairness and equity in the way management administers the policies and procedures of PTV;
  14. 10.14 Access the Board to express a grievance when the internal Workplace issues and processes are not properly followed and your grievance is not addressed.

CODE OF ETHICS Ethics are a set of principles by which behavior can be judged to be right or wrong. Our Code of Ethics sets the minimum standards of behavior expected of Board of Directors, Senior Management and all employees.

GUIDELINES ON THE CODE OF ETHICS The guidelines are intended to ensure that Board of Directors, Senior Management and all employees of PTV will deliver services in accordance with ‘Our Purpose’ and the following principles:

  1. 1. Every Board of Directors member, employee should perform their duties with professionalism and integrity.
  2. 2. Effectively and efficiently do his/her job.
  3. 3. Fairness and equity must be observed in dealings with public and stakeholders.

1. Duty of Care It is expected that you will: Practice both General Duty of Care and Occupational Duty of Care at all times. General Duty of Care refers to avoiding doing anything that would forcibly cause harm to any person. Duty of Care is a requirement that a person, acts reasonably towards others and the public with reasonable attention and caution to avoid acts or omissions that could expose people, for whom there is responsibility, to a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury or harm.

It is expected that: 2. Financial Probity and Accountability Board members and employees undertaking financial responsibilities, must observe all relevant legislative and regulatory requirements, and PTV’s financial policies and procedures.

3. Diligence It is expected that you will: Perform duties diligently in order to contribute effectively to achieve the desired performance of the workplace. Any BoD member, employee who is negligent, careless, indolent, inefficient, or incompetent in the discharge of her/his duties will face disciplinary action.

4. Punctuality It is expected that you will:- Be punctual in attendance, be on duty for the whole of normal working hours and must inform their manager if absent from work.

5. Wastage and Extravagance It is expected that you will: Strive to attain value for money and avoid wastage or extravagance with usage of PTV’s resources. Facilities and other physical resources must be used for their appropriate purpose and maintained appropriately. If possible, Board members, employees should identify improvements to systems and procedures to achieve effective and efficient use of PTV’s resources.

6. Courtesy to Clients and the Public It is expected that you will:Be courteous and polite at all times in dealings with the public.

7. Criminal Offences It is expected that you will: Any criminal offence or driving conviction of which a BoD member or employee has been found guilty either prior to commencing, or during employment with PTV, except where the offence is covered by a prescribed spent convictions scheme, must be advised to the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer or Manager/Supervisor respectively.

8. Gifts and Favors It is unacceptable for Board members or employee to encourage gifts or favors for services provided in connection to their official duties for themselves or their family. When a gift or favor is received, Board member or employee must declare it to administration or Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer. If Board member or employee believe that a gift is given to induce favored treatment, their manager must be advised immediately, who shall report to the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer. Gifts from the supplier or other officers/officials connected with PTV will remain the property of PTV even received by any individual employee.

9. Invitations Employee invited in official capacity by other organizations to attend events, may accept invitations in consultation with their Manager/Supervisor if their attendance will be regarded as mutually reciprocal or will enhance networking. In accepting invitations, employees must be aware that they are representing PTV.

10. Fairness PTV employees must treat all people fairly, with sensitivity and involve them in decisions that affect them. Must be responsible for any decisions made and ensure that they have observed the legal requirements, established the facts and avoid improper exercise of powers.

11. Work Environment PTV aims to foster and maintain good working relations. Employees must respect, and seek when necessary, the opinions of others and acknowledge their contribution. Female staff must be addressed with respect and dignity on equal rights and privileges.

12. Participation in Seminars Employees must obtain the prior approval of their Supervisor, before presenting at seminars organized by professional conference organizers during normal working hours. Any payment or fee received for seminar participation must be paid to PTV, unless employee has obtained exemption, in writing, of this requirement from the concerned authority.

13. Occupational Health and Safety PTV is committed to a healthy, safe and secure work environment and employees are expected to become familiar with Occupational Health and Safety Regulations and legal obligations that impact on the way in which they undergo their duties.

14. Copyright and Intellectual Property PTV retains the copyright of any work or intellectual property produced by an employee during employment. They may retain the copyright or intellectual property of work only upon approval by the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, or if they can substantiate that PTV’s time, name, information or resources were not used in its production.

15. Patronage or Favoritism Employees must ensure that they do not use their position or power to influence a personal gain for themselves, their family or friends.

16. Confidentiality after Leaving PTV PTV employees who leave the employment should not use confidential information obtained during employment to advantage a prospective employer or disadvantage PTV in its operations.

17. Reporting of Unethical Behavior An employee must report any unethical behavior or wrongdoing by any other employee or third party to an appropriate senior officer, without the fear of reprisal. Unethical behavior may include any action that an employee believes is a violation of the law, policy, or regulation, or represents gross mismanagement, or is a danger to health and safety.

18. Violation of Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy Violation of any of the provision of Code of Conduct and Ethics Policy will invoke disciplinary action.

About Us

Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) is the Pakistan state-owned Television broadcaster, founded on 26 November 1964. This National Broadcaster has flourished since then, and today has PTV-Centers in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad, AJK and Multan.