
Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) is the Pakistan state-owned Television broadcaster, founded on 26 November 1964. This National Broadcaster has flourished since then, and today has PTV-Centers in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad, AJK and Multan.

Being the largest Television Network, we are serving about 92% of the population of Pakistan and having largest terrestrial infrastructure of the country. The Bouquet of PTV Network consists of nine TV Channels i.e. PTV Home, PTV News, PTV World, PTV Sports, PTV Global, PTV Bolan, PTV National, PTV Parliament and AJK TV.

Pakistan entered into Television Broadcasting age with a small pilot TV Station established at Lahore from where transmission was first beamed in Black & White with effect from 26 November 1964. Television centres were established in Karachi and Rawalpindi/Islamabad in 1967 and in Peshawar and Quetta in 1974.

While introducing the sophisticated branch of the electronic media in the country, the broad perspective kept in mind was to inform and educate the people through wholesome entertainment and to inculcate in them a greater awareness of their own history, heritage, current problems and development as well as knowledge of the world at large.

A Board of Directors appointed by the Government of Pakistan manages its affairs. The Managing Director of the Corporation, duly appointed by the Government of Pakistan and approved by the Board of Directors, is the Administrative and Executive Head of the Corporation.He is the competent authority to implement rules for the Corporation and its employees.

When PTV came into existence in 1964, there was a staff of 30 employees, which has now risen to more than 6000 persons at all Units of the Corporation. The employees of PTV are divided into 09 groups and every group has a separate pay scale.

The diligence of PTV and sustained efforts has resulted in better and creative programming with significant changes in presentation style. The promotion of programmes has been totally been revamped in lieu of improved re-packaging and tailor made programming along with energized marketing strategy.

PTVs endeavor for initiative has surfaced with a number of milestones of particular significance. Deserving special mention here are the daily programs of Tilawat & Tarjuma of the Holy Quran; programmes highlighting the cause of Kashmir; PTV World, a new satellite channel was launched in the face of tough international competition.

The objective of providing a homely atmosphere to family viewers has been well achieved. The audience driven programmes have given PTV a new look and dramatically changed the views about PTV. PTV has surged ahead of its competitors and as such PTV-2 has been turned into a viable project. Generation of more than Rs 56 million within a span of five months of the implementation of the new idea speaks of this unparalleled achievement.

Technical improvement of PTV is evident from the change in screen presentation. The public has greatly appreciated this cosmetic transformation not only in programmes but also in News & Current Affairs. Recent usage of Computer Technology to facilitate the generation of virtual sets is a significant landmark in the history of PTV.

On the other hand active participatory programmes have supplemented the authenticity of Current Affairs programmes and generated a lot of public interest. Live Open Forum; PTV has taken a lead over its contemporaries by introducing Audio-Text and Tele-text services in the region. The live cricket and hockey quizzes and the recently held PTV Awards are few examples of mass public participation through Audio text. Availability of on-line Flight Information, live surge and fall of stock exchanges, news updates etc. on normal home TV sets are few references of Teletext application.

Every new idea brings with it the opening of whole new vistas of creativity. Prime TV is yet another venture in this regard, which resulted in the generation of additional income. Mideast Time, an extension of PTV World, targets Pakistani expatriates in the Middle East at a time when people need to relax with family entertainment.


Pakistan Television Corporation is the biggest media organization of Pakistan. It is an autonomous public sector organization. The main responsibility of PTV is to provide public service broadcasting not only within Pakistan but also outside Pakistan. It makes programmes for all its viewers in drama, documentaries current affairs, entertainment and sport. Its programmes are produced in Urdu as well as in all regional languages i.e Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashto and Balochi. While producing its programmes it pays due attention to the interest and aspirations of all strata of society and tries to reflect those effectively in its programmes.

PTV has a lot to be proud of:
Its lists of accomplishment is ever increasing and every achievement is a milestone in itself, like :

  • Salaat-o-Tarawih direct from Makkah during Ramadan
  • Launching of PTVs Web site on Internet
  • Special live interviews from Dubai, Saudi Arabia & New York
  • Taji Mori at 12,500ft, one of the world's highest transmitters.


Responsible for formulation and implementation of administrative policies, co-ordination with other Centres, overseeing administrative services, formulation of PTV Employees Service Rules and amendment in the Rules, as and when required, implementation of directives received from the Government, to arrange centrally insurance of all PTV assets/properties and realization of Insurance Claims in case of loss/damage caused to PTV assets/properties, to deal with legal matters instituted for and against PTV in various courts of Pakistan and to deal with PTV Unions.


Responsible to perform the personnel functions, which fall into two categories: i) Operative : The operational function of Personnel Department includes the activities specifically concerned with procuring, developing, utilizing and maintaining efficient work force.

ii) Managerial : The Managerial function of Personnel Department pertains to the activities concerned with planning, organizing, staffing and directing the work of those who perform the operative functions. The broad functions of Personnel Department are formulation and implementation of personnel policies, over-seeing personnel functions all over the Corporation, manpower planning including recruitment, promotion and transfer etc.

Training & Delegation : Responsible for training of Staff within the country and abroad, dealing with the delegations, responsible for deputing officials for Seminars, workshops Symposia, Conferences, Meetings, Exhibitions, Competitions, Advisory Missions to Foreign Agencies to make arrangement for PTV Coverage Teams deputed for VVIP coverage abroad.

Council Business : Training & Delegation Department is also responsible to deal with the Council Business (Senate / National Assembly).

Security : Responsible for maintaining security of men and material of entire TV Network according to the prescribed procedure as laid down by the KPID (Key Point Inspection Directorate) of the Government of Pakistan.


PTV is a public limited company with an authorized capital of Rs. 3.000 billion. The Government holds entire paid up share capital of Rs.1529.300 million.


In fulfillment of its broad and main objectives, PTV's telecast policy concerning various matters of National and International interests. It has always been motivated and guided by the cardinal principles of educating viewers about the values that are vitally important in building a united, integrated and disciplined society in the light of Islamic injunctions. These objectives have successfully been achieved through a variety of programmes at religion, at education,at entertainment and at culture etc.

The projection of new emerging social order is highlighted in PTV's general programming focusing directly and indirectly on the themes like morality, civic or national responsibilities, drive against narcotics, environmental pollution, agricultural reforms in discussions, shows, and through anchorpersons in the transmission.

PTV has started programmes AL-QURAN AL-HAKEEM one hour of Tilawat and Tarjuma by renowned Qaris. It is being telecast daily at 6.00 a.m. The text of the Aayat is shown on screen. This helps the viewers in reading and listening so that they can read the Qura'an correctly.


Pakistan Television News informs its viewers across the country on the latest newsworthy happenings on the national and international levels. During the past few years, there has been rapid expansion in the area and scope of news coverage. Enhancement in the number of bulletins has enabled PTV to keep the viewers abreast of the latest happenings at the National and International level.

1) Emphasis is now being given to on-camera reporting and special news reports on subjects of popular interest. Moreover, there has been a qualitative change in the news reporting as well as presentation of news bulletins from National News Bureau, Islamabad and from other centres. Merit and objectivity are being maintained as a hallmark of PTV news items which extends to routine day-to-day coverage and to the parliamentary proceedings, political activities of the government and opposition, besides human interest stories.

2) PTV news broadcasts stretch over from early morning till midnight. There are two Urdu language bulletins in the morning transmission. In the evening/night transmission, there are four short duration Urdu language bulletins, one Kashmiri language bulletins and one Arabic language news bulletins Al-Akhbar and 9 O'clock Urdu language main bulletin khabarnama.

3) Regional language bulletin in Punjabi from Lahore, Sindhi from Karachi, Pushto and Hindko from Peshawar and Baluchi, Brahvi and Pushto are telecast from centres to enable people of the areas to see and listen to PTV news bulletins in their own language.

4) To bring home maximum coverage of international events, PTV news has made arrangements with Reuters TV, London, a world-leading network, to satellite news items to PTV Islamabad round the clock. PTV news covers all visits abroad of VVIPs, international conferences and important other events through its own camera teams and makes all possible efforts to air them same night. At a number of occasions in the past, PTV news has proved to be ahead of the leading networks of the world in airing important events i.e...

5) PTV News has been making continuous efforts to project right of self-determination of the people of occupied Kashmir and countering Indian propaganda about the fate of our Kashmiri brethren. PTV visualized the brutalities of Indian forces on the oppressed people of Kashmir. PTV telecasts the voice cast interviews of Kashmiri leaders, across the Line of control to project inhuman treatment given to the Muslims in the Indian held Kashmir. PTV news has its permanent news bureau at Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir, to cover various events including visiting foreign journalists and foreign delegations that witness the plight of Kashmiri refugees who were forced to leave their home. Like international networks, PTV news also sent its camera team to Afghanistan to cover the war between different groups and plight of the common man there.

6) With the advancement of the Computer Technology, PTV news is also in the process of computerization to receive and telecast news items by computer. Computer Graphics are being used in all news bulletins.

Current Affairs

Current Affairs programmes has been a regular features of PTV Transmission, ever-since its inception. A separate PTV Current Affairs Directorate was however, established in 1982. Current Affairs programmes, including regional languages, produced by each of the TV Centre are accommodated in regular PTV transmission. The themes of Regional Language programmes mainly revolve around local and provincial matters of current affairs nature. Current Affairs Division also produces programmes on special occasions such as live telecast of Armed Forces Parade on Pakistan Day, Flag Hoisting ceremony on Independence Day, Head of State's Address to the Nation, Documentaries on important national projects, certain sessions of Senate and National Assembly. In the programme Open Forum, Federal Ministers/Minister of States are invited to answer the questions through e-mail, on Telephone and by Media/Experts sitting in the various studios of PTV. This programme is live and is very popular amongst viewers.


PTV Sports Division was created in 1983 to provide healthy entertainment to our viewers. It has emerged as an extremely productive and earning division of PTV.

1)The chief objectives of this division are to arrange healthy sports entertainment through the coverage of exciting moments and happening in the field of sports and to keep the viewers informed with the National and International sports event.

2)Presently Sports Division is producing regular weekly transmission on PTV apart from occasional International / National sports coverage. PTV also televises live national and international sports around the world, keeping in view the interest of Pakistani viewers.

International Relations

The major responsibility of I.R. Division is to promote friendly relations with international TV Networks/Organizations to enhance know-how in the field of electronic media. I R Division participates in the International Television Festivals/Competitions held in different countries by sending best PTV-Programmes. Thus PTV has won distinguished prizes and commendations.

A large number of programmes have been sold to telecast in different counties which resulted strength of the financial condition of PTV and more efforts are being made to increase the sale of PTV-Programmes. M/s Shalimar Recording and Broadcasting Company and M/s Sports Star International are the major distributor of PTV programmes.

A lot of PTV plays and documentaries have been provided to foreign countries through Ministries and our missions abroad on gratis basis for the projection of Pakistan and its people which have been liked by them and later on they have purchased several selected PTV programmes.

Dubbing and editing is carrying out by I.R.Division. Some selected programmes are sub-titled in English and Arabic Languages for overseas projection especially for Muslim countries. Documentaries of National Geographic are being televised with Urdu dubbing. A series of animated imported programme "Treasure Island "is being dubbed in Urdu language for telecast. PTV has recently provided the satellite facilities to foreign agencies with regard to nuclear tests and earned approx. US$:0.4 millions.

Co-productions with foreign TV organization are conducted on bilateral basis to strengthen relations with each other. Necessary arrangements are made through Ministry of Information & Media Development and Foreign Affairs.

In order to fill airtime beyond PTV's production capacity at roughly 1/8th of the cost of local programmes and as an essential window to the cultures of the world through information, education and entertainment. PTV has procured foreign canned programmes on hire/rental basis to suite its genious. PTV procures foreign programmes including feature films, cartoons, science fiction, comedy, adventure, classic drama serials/series and general programmes. Foreign programmes from a major part of educational transmission and has been of immense value for school/college going students as well as general public.

A PTV Editorial Board comprising six Directors headed by the Managing Director evaluates publicity material and viewing samples provided by the international distribution agencies. After the normal procedural formalities, programmes thus selected are acquired against the payment of approved rental fee normally for one transmission.

PTV Film Censor Board

PTV Censor Board was formed in 1968 headed by Director Programmes Administration. It was separately instituted within PTV on the approval of Secretary Ministry of I&MD in December 1980 to clear and certify bulk of imported and locally acquired programmes with speed and efficiency. Consultant News/Current Affairs/Presentation presently heads the Board.

PTV/STN Censor Board For Commercials There is another joint PTV/STN Censor Board for Commercials constituted by the Ministry of I&MD functioning at PTV HQrs since June 1990 which examines and certifies all advertisement material for telecast both from PTV & STN.

There are four sub-Censor Boards for Commercials functioning at Karachi/Lahore/Peshawar and Quetta. The meeting/censor sessions are held twice a week with exception of censor shows of NTM's classified material required to be held in emergencies.


The Engineering Division takes care of the day to day operations and maintenance of PTV Centres and Rebroadcast Stations, new projects, Planning & Procurement, as well as research and Development activities. PTV started its services on 26 November 1964 with two small stations at Lahore and Dhaka (Former East Pakistan). Over the years the system has grown into a Countrywide network offering two programmes channels.
  • 1964 Television service in monochrome started.
  • 1967 two production studios added at Rawalpindi & Karachi.
  • 1973 National Microwave Network Commissioned linking Tv Centres.
  • 1974 Quetta/Peshawar centres commissioned.
  • 1976 Colour Transmission started.
  • 1987 Federal Tv Centre at Islamabad Commissioned.
  • 1992 Second Tv Channel for Education Commissioned. (One Tv Station at Islamabad & 16 Rebroadcast Stations).
  • 1996 Local Area Transmission from four (4) Stations started and extended to 03 more Stations.
  • 1998 Transmission of Ptv world Programmes started.
  • 1998 upto 06 Production Centres (Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar, Islamabad-i & Islamabad-ii). 35 Rebroadcast Stations in Operation for PTV-1. 16 Rebroadcast Stations in Operation for PTV-2.
  • PTV Home - Population Covered : 89.00 %
  • PTV News - Population Covered : 78%

Various projects are being implemented under two main Categories:
ii) PTV's Self-Financed Projects.

Training Academy

Established in 1987 Pakistan Television Academy is an apex institution in the country, which imparts professional training in various disciplines of television broadcast technology. Headed by a full time Director, and assisted by a team of television professionals who are members of the academic faculty, PTV Academy functions with a prime objective to enhance the professional skills of its manpower force in variety of fields alongwith an aim to update their knowledge and keep them informed with the development taking place in their respective fields. It is a fully equipped training establishment with high academic standards. Academy conducts basic courses for new employees; refresher courses, seminars and workshops for in-service employees.

Till June 1998, over 3100 persons have attended training programmes conducted by PTV Academy. These participants attended training courses in Engineering, Computer, Finance, Administration, News, Current Affairs and Programmes Production. They also include visiting participants from other countries including SAARC members. As of July 1998, the academy has embarked on an ambitious training programme with over 25 courses/workshops for the year 1998-99. It has opened its doors to the Private Sector and offered Ten (10) courses on payment, during the period in various programming disciplines. The Academy of late, in order to optimize the use of its resources, has also started offering its modest recording facilities on payment, to Private Production Houses.

Retrieval of PTV's prized Entertainment Programme Archives, which runs into thousands of hours, and special productions for international market, are amongst the latest responsibilities functions under the control of the Training Division recently we have sold archives and 7-1/2 crore for Prime Time TV. A few topics for special productions are plays on Kashmir, and Nishan-e-Haider recipients.

Public Relations

In the course of institutional Projection of PTV the Public Relations Department has been co-ordinating with the National Press effectively. The other activities are as under :
  • Daily Press clippings and reports.
  • Arrangement of Press Show.
  • Arrangement of Press Conferences
  • Issue of Press releases.
  • Reply of False Stories, Propaganda & Criticism and at the same time appreciation of positive articles and items in the Press.
  • Co-ordination with the Press Artists, Producers and PTV Officials.
  • Release of PTV Advertisements.

Information Technology

The Information Technology (IT) Department at PTV was established to address the evolving challenges of the digital age and enhance operational efficiency, creativity, and viewer engagement. The department is dedicated to integrating cutting-edge technology into PTV's operations to meet the demands of a rapidly changing media landscape.


The IT Department's primary goals include:

  • Enhancing Productivity: Implementing technology-driven solutions to boost overall efficiency and increase productivity across the organization.
  • Creative Innovation: Leveraging computer graphics and animation to elevate the creativity and style of PTV’s screen presentations.
  • Streamlining Information Flow: Developing robust corporate-wide information systems to ensure better insight, internal control, and accurate flow of information for decision-making.
  • Global Viewer Engagement: Maintaining PTV’s digital presence ( and mobile applications, social media platforms, and streaming Video Servers to reach a global audience and remain competitive in the dynamic media environment.
  • Embracing New IT Concepts: Continuously introducing innovative information technology solutions to advance PTV's capabilities.
  • Digital Tools Expansion: Use of digital platforms and services for developing and managing digital marketing campaigns to promote a brand, product, or service. Using digital services for creating and curating engaging content for various digital platforms, including websites, blogs, and social media. Likewise, utilizing SEO best practices to increase visibility and traffic to digital content.
  • Digital Archival Library: Establishing a state-of-the-art digital video archival library for easy access to on-demand content during transmissions.
  • Real-Time Reporting Systems: Developing software solutions and data networks for real-time reporting and integrating them with the main databank.
  • Advanced Graphics in Sports & Current Affairs: Enhancing the use of computer graphics in sports and current affairs programming to improve viewer experience.
  • Revenue Innovation: Exploring sponsorship opportunities through interactive and dynamic digital screens.
  • Management Information Systems (MIS): Creating and maintaining fully integrated information systems for better control and reporting to facilitate informed decision-making and organizational efficiency.


Despite its relatively brief history, the IT Department has significantly contributed to fostering an IT-driven culture within PTV. Key milestones include:

  • Election Coverage Automation: Computerizing and networking PTV’s coverage of all General Election’s marathon transmission with graphics, software, and virtual set productions.
  • News Automation: In-house developed news software suite, covering news gathering, making, ordering, video clips linking, and prompting for various language news bulletins.
  • Graphics Integration: Introducing advanced computer graphics for presentations, news, and sports coverage, including cricket and hockey scoring systems.
  • Award-Winning Initiatives: Developing and maintaining the official website and social media platforms for the PTV, which has earned national recognition.
  • Computerized Workflows: Implementing email-based correspondence systems and e-office platforms to streamline operations and foster a paperless environment.

PTV National

The objective of the PTV National is providing different local News and as well as entertainment in all language different parts of the country.


AJK TV is Kashmiri Channel, providing different programs for local viewers, Kashmiri news and Gojri news.

History of Pakistan Television Corporation Limited

Pakistan Television Corporation Limited (PTV) is a public limited company. All its shares are held by Government of Pakistan. The decision to establish a general purpose television service with the participation of private capital and under the general supervision of the Government of Pakistan (GOP) was taken in October 1963. Subsequently the GOP signed an agreement with Nippon Electronic Company of Japan, allowing it to operate two pilot stations in Pakistan. The first of these stations went on air in Lahore on 26 November 1964.

On the completion of the experimental phase, a private limited company, called Televsion Promoters Limited was set up in 1965 which was converted into a public limited company in 1967. Television centres were established in Karachi and Rawalpindi/Islamabad in 1967 and in Peshawar and Quetta in 1974. PTV satellite transmition is round the clock. The transmission include ETV and PTV News transmission.

To View PTV Logos Archive Click Here

PTV Karachi

The Karachi Centre commenced its transmission on November 2,1967 and was the first full-fledged station housed in its own building fully and properly equipped with better technical extensive equipment for production by electronic methods it has four main colour studios, including well equipped room for News.

The professional quality of its varied programme fare, be it music or drama has been of a top standard. The PTV-Karachi Centre along with four Re-broadcast Stations at Thana Bola Khan, Shikarpur, Noorpur and Thando Allahyar, connected to other RBSs in the country through Microwave link cover about 90% of the population. With the opening of PTV News, Pakistani programmes are now being viewed in other parts of the world via satellite.

Urdu Drama remains the benchmark of PTV Karachi Centre and is the crown bearer of quality since its first transmission with numerous drama serials like Khuda ki Basti,Fifty Fifty,Un-Kahi,Talim-e-Balighan,Dhoop Kinare,Tanhaiyan and many others. PTV Karachi Centre has been the champion,the superb quality of is the identity of Karachi Centre with culbed the high-up of script level and marvelous direction technique.

LIVE and recorded current affairs and sports programmes have been a regular feature of PTV Karachi centre via PTV News and Sports Channel. This centre also brings LIVE proceedings of pakistani parliament and its committees through PTV Parliament channel.

This centre also broadcasts news bulletins,entertainment and other programmes in sindhi language to represent the whole of sindh province through regional channel i.e. PTV National.

PTV Lahore

Lahore, is where we lay-down our roots, on the very pleasant morning of 26 November 1964, with a single-room TV station. Lahore, being the heart of Pakistan, presents a strong cultural and social influence and PTV Lahore Centre is honored to present the very true picture of the country's cultural hub.

Urdu Drama remains the hallmark of PTV Lahore Centre and is the crown bearer of quality since its first transmission with numerous drama serials like Waris, Jheel, Chand Grehan, Inkaar, Andhera Ujala and many others, PTV Lahore Centre has been the champion, due to its quality production coupled with the depth of script and the level of direction.

PTV Lahore Centre, with its present team is carrying the same legacy of producing classy drama as per the values of the society. Its News and Current Affair Departments are doing best to enhance the intellect level of its viewers. PTV Lahore Centres is transforming the Truth with responsibility to the massed at large.

With an aim of providing credible information, inculcating enlightened ideas and presenting quality entertainment its News, Current Affairs and Programme Division are leaving no stone unturned to meet the aspiration of its viewers.

PTV Peshawar

Pakistan Television Peshawar Centre was established in 1974 in a makeshift building on the Fort Road, Peshawar Cantonment.Sensing the importance of the full-fledged PTV-Centre in Peshawar, the purpose-built building of PTV was inaugurated in 1982.

The main objectives of the establishment of PTV Centre in Peshawar were:

  • To create the soft image of the country.
  • To educate the residents of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province including newly merged tribal areas regarding the government policies and initiatives.
  • To counter anti-Pakistan propaganda by the Indian-supported Sardar Daud Khan regime in Afghanistan, who usurped power in 1973 by dethroning King Zahir Shah.
  • Since its establishment, PTV-Peshawar Centre has been a heart of cultural activities of the province.
  • Alhamdulillah, the PTV-Peshawar Centre, since its very establishment, has made remarkable achievements in all departments including Programmes (drama, music, shows), Current Affairs (discussions, documentaries, reports), and News (news bulletins production, reporting of events).
  • The Centre produced a number of Urdu prime time dramas aired on the national network and got immense popularity. Pashto dramas, music and literature-related programs have been drawing huge audience from the entire country as well as Afghanistan, Gulf countries and even Europe.
  • Current Affairs’ documentaries, discussion programs, and reports have been widely popular as they cover each and every district.
  • PTV-Peshawar Pashto and Hindko news bulletins have always been a key source of information to Pashto and Hindko speaking people of KP. The News Department of PTV-P is responsible to cover every type of newsworthy events, i.e., simple, complex, or special, in the entire province including the merged tribal districts.

PTV Quetta / Bolan

Television center was established in Quetta in 1974 and started its historical and iconic transmission in Urdu and regional languages all over the country. There was a need of a TV channel in Pakistan especially from the side of Balochistan where 3 languages i.e Balochi, Brahvi and Pushto are spoken and there was no channel to promote their cultural norms, customs and literature. To promote these values Pakistan Television Corporation Limited launched 1st regional channel covering three languages Balochi, Brahvi and Pushto on 14th August, 2005. Main office of PTV Bolan was established at PTV Quetta Centre building, Hali Road, Quetta.

This channel has also given opportunities to solve their indigenous problems and also to highlight the development work done by the almost each districts of Balochistan Province. Many MNA's, MPA’s and higher provincial government Authorities have participated as guest to communicate the project made for the benefit of people of Balochistan.

Reports have been televised to highlight the negative aspects of our society in three regional languages for public awareness. Intellectuals, poets, prominent Singers, Folk/Light Singers of Balochi, Pushto and Brahvi languages have been invited to enrich the screen beauty of PTV-Bolan. Government Mega Projects, reports on Gawadar Projects and special reports covered and telecasted.

All over Balochistan in far flung areas like, Turbat, Makran Coastal areas and all special occasions transmission were arranged. It is said with great confidence that now PTV-Bolan is a source of communication between the overseas Pakistanis and their Kith and Kins. Presently, a series of documentaries covered in Dubai, Saudi Arabia and Behrain are being telecast on weekly basis in spite of our limited resources and budget occasions transmissions were arranged.

PTV News

PTV News Centre is a State control Channel working under Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of Pakistan. The main objective of PTV is to convey the projects and planning of the sitting Government to the masses and to educate / give information to them of the current circumstances of the country and of the world simultaneously. PTV also works in the situation of any challenge faced by the nation through its progammes from the far flung areas of the country.

Being national channel, PTV promotes cultural traditions of all the Provinces of the country including Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit – Biltistan through its progammes on different events throughout the Pakistan. PTV is trying to keep the nation united and secretarian free by telecasting the programmes of all the sects of Pakistan giving nominations to them to express the religious events on state channel throughout the year.

Current Affairs is one of the most important Division of PTVC. The structure is divided into News division and Current Affairs Division. PTV Current Affairs telecast more than 33 fresh programs every week that roughly count 40 hours of programming. The Live coverages, National Assembly and Senate proceedings and special LIVE transmissions are responsibility of Current Affairs Division. The News Division telecast news bulletins on hourly basis. Headlines and News Bulletins along with special news bulletins with responsible reporting and acute professional content are major strengths of this division. It provides 6 hours of LIVE news every day.


Following indicates the functioning / activities of PTV to some extent:

  • Key responsibility of PTV News is to keep viewers informed with contemporary National and International issues through Analytical programming /discussions.
  • Education of public on political social and other issues of public interest.
  • Projection of Govt. policies & point of views.
  • Rebuttal of anti Government Propaganda.
  • Programming to promote policies of the government.
  • Programming against social evils.
  • Counter hostile propaganda against Pakistan.
  • Propagation of Kashmir cause.
  • Live \ Recorded coverages of President.
  • Prime Minister & other important National & International events.
  • Live Marathon Transmissions on special Occasions.
Program Formats
  • Studio Discussions Live/ Recorded.
  • Audience participated talk shows.
  • Exclusive Interviews.
  • Special Events oriented live transmission.
  • Cross section Interviews.
  • Coverages/special reports.
  • VVIP Press Conferences.
  • Government support
  • Professional excellence.
  • Experienced staff.
  • Exclusive arrangements for VVIP coverages.

The role of all the states channels of the world is very important in nation building. PTV is also working on the same pattern since 1964, the date of its inception. Although, PTV has to do much more than delivered so far, but due to some restrictions / hindrances yet needs to be improve the areas, left unattended so far.

PTV Home

PTV Home Centre is producing local productions, documentaries and Live morning shows, including live events.

PTV Sports

Pakistan entered the television broadcasting age in 1964, with a pilot television station established at Lahore. This is the venue from which Pakistan’s first television broadcast was aired in black & white on the historic date: 26th November, 1964. The Rawalpindi Center was added in 1967 and Peshawar & Quetta Centers added in 1974.The National Broadcaster has flourished since then, and today has PTV-Centers in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzafarabad, AJK and Multan whereas the PTV Headquarters is also located in Islamabad, the Federal Capital.

PTV Sports is a 24-hour sports channel owned by the Pakistan Television Corporation, Pakistan's state broadcaster. PTV Sports was launched on 14 January 2012. It retains exclusive broadcasting rights for many sporting events, including cricket, tennis, hockey and football.

PTV National

The objective of the PTV National is providing different local News and as well as entertainment in all language different parts of the country.


Subsequent to the resolution passed by AJK Legislative Assembly requesting for the establishment of new channel in AJK & directive from the President of Pakistan in the year 2002, it was decided to establish a new TV channel in AJK in early 2004. In pursuance finally a portion of Radio Pakistan building was selected by the Chairman PTV/PBC to serve as AJK TV initially started on 5.2.2004 with its inauguration by President of Pakistan.

Aims and Objectives:

a. Projection of case of Kashmir Liberation through Production and transmission of programmes on much border spectrum on social and cultural activities in AJK.
b. Coverage’s of significant events in AJK like strikes calls, Kashmir solidarity and related matters.
c. Neutralization of Anti Pakistan propaganda from across the Line of Control and projection of Pakistan point of view on the matter is of vital concerned.
d. To provide Education Entertainment & Information to the population in the City and as well as to far-flung remote areas.


Under the resolution passed by Legislative Assembly initiated by the President of Pakistan. AJK TV was established in 2004 and finally inaugurated on 5.2.2004 with well-established Studio Control room and necessary up link with 12 Producers, 13 AE’s and other required staff members. This set up was televising 03 hours (from 04pm to 07pm) Programmes including news and Current Affaris, Entertainment in regional languages covering 08 district of AJK.

Post Earth Quake AJK

After the devasting Earthquake of 08th October, 2005 the whole construction was up rooted and demolish which was situated on the land of bifurcated with PBC, only some equipment damaged and in non-damaged condition were retained at the moment. To reshape AJK TV again a temporary studio was constructed to start temporarily transmission w.e.f 10.08.2006 for the 1st time after join 8th October 2005 quake with daily two hours transmission from 05pm to 07pm with following breakdown:- a. Gojri News b. Kashmiri News

PTV Bolan

PTV Bolan broadcasts regional programmes in Balochi language.PTV Bolan was launched on August 14, 2005. Bolan Channel would promote the rich cultural heritage of Balochistan province and provides entertainment and information to the people in Balochi, Pushto and Brahvi languages.

PTV Global

Every field in the world is passing through the process of globalization, likewise Pakistan Television has entered into global competition. PTV Global would provide entertainment and the latest news to Pakistanis working abroad.

PTV World

The Hybrid nature of this new channel will offer a rich mixture of programming encompassing: News (National & International including Business, Sports, Weather, Entertainment), Current Affairs, Entertainment, Infotainment, Documentaries, Music.

About Us

Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) is the Pakistan state-owned Television broadcaster, founded on 26 November 1964. This National Broadcaster has flourished since then, and today has PTV-Centers in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad, AJK and Multan.