Training Methods

In order to conduct successful training, academy uses a judicious mix of many training methods. This is achieved through the selection of relevant expert and eminent guest speakers, seminars, workshops and training courses. PTV professionals who have practical experience of more than 40 years and are purely craft oriented, are also contributing in the training sessions. Howwever, the greatest emphases are laid on individual presentation and group production by the participants themselves.

The judicious mix is the following training methods.
  • 1. Lectures by Eminent Guest Speakers.
  • 2. Project presentations by participants-under time constraint.
  • 3. Seminars in which panelists are carefully selected to give their points of view during the interaction with participants.
  • 4. Workshops conducted by Foreign & Local experts on specific disciplines of TV Productions and Engineering.
  • 5. Group Discussions involving the participants.
  • 6. Production Projects assigned to the participants.
  • 7. Crash courses involving practical demonstrations.
  • 8. Training sessions on all centres of PTV as per their requirements.

About Us

Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) is the Pakistan state-owned Television broadcaster, founded on 26 November 1964. This National Broadcaster has flourished since then, and today has PTV-Centers in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta, Muzaffarabad, AJK and Multan.